Individual, couple, and family therapy
Thanks for visiting my site! This website is designed to help you determine whether I would be a proper fit for you and/or your loved one(s). I believe that counseling is a personal journey; each client must determine for his or herself who they'd like to take along the way.
My Philosophy
My philosophical standpoint emphasizes empowering clients to realize the changes they'd like to make. Life experiences, no matter how challenging, have provided each of us with invaluable information about life and ourselves that is ready to be utilized. I work to tap into this store of knowledge so that my clients can attain their full potential.
Therapy can help you to gain tools to address your current difficulties, patterns, and roadblocks. I'd feel privileged to join you on this journey.
My Mission
My Ideal Client
I truly appreciate working with clients who are motivated and committed to making change as therapy is not an easy process and requires active effort on the part of the client (think about it - if change were easy then therapy would likely not be sought).
My ideal clients are willing to work for their fufilling, quality life that they long for.
I work with ages 16 and up, but I specialize in adults.
Some of my favorite areas of focus are: family and couple issues, life enhancement, stress management, work related issues, adjustment/phase of life issues, anxiety, trauma, emotional regulation, and more.
Offering Emotionally Focused Couples Therapy (EFT)!
Learn more about EFT here. Please check out my daughter company offering EFT at Better Together Counseling.
My practice has limitations:
While I would love to be able to help everyone, unfortunately, I cannot due to my practice's limitations.
My practice cannot assist those suffering with:
- active or recent addictions and/or substance abuse or dependence (There are therapist that specialize in this matter - they usually have a SAP or CAP credential behind their name.)
- active domestic violence (Couples who's relationship contains domestic violence should never be seen for couple's counseling - research shows that it is counterindicated and that individual therapy is needed to teach coping prior to couple's therapy.)
- psychosis (Group practices and clinics with a psychiatrist on hand are best equipped to help with this.)
- personality disorders
- active legal issues that require an expert opinion (e.g. custody wars, disability, court mandated therapy, etc) (There are therapist who specialize in this type of matter. I do not and will not.)
- disability who need disability determinations (There are therapist who specialize in this type of matter. I do not and will not.)